Avoid Being a Statistic
Choosing a career as a real estate photographer is a great choice but, like any other business, it takes dedication and a good system. The HDR/Flambient -> send to overseas editor -> deliver by download link to the client sounds like a simple solution doesn't it? If that is all Realtors wanted and it conveyed professionalism, maybe it would be. In order to reach a level of success that most real estate photographers dream of, more is required. You're going to need a good system that supports you in regards to attracting clients, managing the behind the scenes process and customer service requirements. If you are going to make it, you've got to be behind the camera most of the time. Why not hire PicAppoint as a Realtor-recommended photographer and let us handle the backend business chores?
1. You already have the equipment and you know what you're doing.
This is the perfect place to start. Maybe you've been working for one of the tour factories. Maybe you've been doing it on your own for some time now. Either way, you're at a good starting point. HDR/Flambient -> send to editor -> deliver to client through a platform is the next winning move.
2. The inconsistent Income problem.
I started my real estate photography career as a full-time paid employee almost 20 years ago. This means the company was taking the hit when things were slow. I think it would be very hard to find a salaried real estate photographer anywhere now. Now, it's mostly contract photographers working for tour factories or individual photographers hustling to find clients on an almost daily basis. A Realtor-Driven and trusted photographer network is the next winning move.
3. Building a Client Base.
Our strategy is to create a trusted network of real estate photographers. We are doing this by helping Realtors cut through the noise of the crowded market. We do this by giving Realtors a platform to do business from. Our Realtor-Driven photographer network helps them find and hire photographers with ease. Something to think about is, if you are currently working for a tour factory we can show you how to slowly move onto the PicAppoint platform until you are ready to go on your own full time. A network of career-focused, full-time real estate photographers is what will convince Realtors that PicAppoint is the place to find the best photographers.
4. Time Management
Balancing the different aspects of the business can be overwhelming. Besides shooting and editing photos, you’ll need to handle administrative tasks, marketing, customer service, and potentially, staff management. Why not hire PicAppoint to take care of all the backend processes including customer service requirements? If you're getting too busy to handle these tasks, now is the time to think about hiring us instead of gaining the headaches of hiring and firing.
5. Self employment
The real estate photography industry has largely moved to the contractor model. That means almost all real estate photographers are already self employed. If you're self employed, why not maximize your income? By hiring PicAppoint you will also be helping build an industry leader. Everyone wants to work with those they know, like and trust. Do Realtors know, like and trust you? Call or contact us here to see how we can work together.
6. Competition and Market Saturation
The popularity of real estate photography has led to market saturation in many areas. This means new photographers must compete not only on price and the quality of their work but also on how easy it is to fix any customer issues that pop up. There is a reason the tour factories get a lot of work...they have customer service departments and large marketing budgets. Standing out in a crowded market requires innovation and a unique selling proposition. We believe PicAppoint has a unique industry solution...a Realtor-Driven photographer network.
7. Client Expectations and Communication
An educated guess would show that around 80% or more of real estate photography is done using the HDR method. Believe it or not, this is quite simple and easy once you understand what Realtors, buyers and sellers want to see in a photo. Once you understand this, the most important part of the process is ease of delivery, customer service and if you are someone Realtors know, like and trust. Customer service starts right inside the home during the shoot. Photographers that can communicate well and be flexible have a huge advantage over those who can't. If you're a photographer that Realtors know, like and trust, you're almost there.